Building Credibility and Branding Yourself

This article is part of the SIMPLE STEPS TO BOOST SALES SERIES, if you have not already done so, signup for the whole series by clicking HERE

Today, the average consumer is spoiled. When it comes to purchasing products they have a huge variety of options. They also have the added ability to research and comparison shop with a few clicks of their mouse. While you may not have the most popular product in the marketplace you can still position yourself as the ‘best’ by employing a few good marketing strategies.

I want to ask you two questions…

#1 Question; What makes you different from the competitor down the street?

If your goal is to increase sales of your products and services, you have to stand out in today’s crowded marketplace.  By now you should have a good idea of what your Unique Selling Proposition is.  If not, I urge you to spend time working on this aspect.

#2 Question; Do you know that you need to do to establish yourself as an authority in your target market?

Consumers are inherently skeptical when it comes to making a purchase. Because there is so much competition in today’s global marketplace, it is much harder to acquire new customers and keep them than ever before.

This is where branding yourself and your business as an authority comes into its own. When you are recognized as an expert in your marketplace, people are much more likely to trust what you have to say and purchase the products and services that you recommend.

Branding and building credibility go hand-in-hand. While branding will help you build recognition and trust to make that first sale, credibility is what will help you keep your customers coming back over and over again.

FACT: When you take the time to build credibility for yourself and your business as a trusted brand, it will take less time to make repeat sales from existing customers and the people that they refer.

It is important to realize that when it comes to branding and building credibility you can’t just focus on branding your business, product or service. You also have to brand yourself. Humans connect easier to humans, while businesses can grow to be seen as trusted authorities, most started by the owner being an authority.  Being an authority and providing great content for your target audience will get your brand in front of many people.  This is imperative when you understand that it takes an average minimum of 7 exposures to your brand before a customer will purchase.

Putting out valuable content for your target audience will not only position you as an authority it builds brand recognition and trust.  Doing this correctly will lead to your business making more sales.

Importance Of Branding And Credibility In Sales.

Some say that branding and credibility are not important factors when it comes to closing sale – I disagree. By taking the time to properly place yourself as an expert in front of your target audience you are setting yourself apart from your competition in a big way.

And that is not all, when you build your own credibility you become the ‘go to’ person when people think of purchasing the products or services that you offer.  This saves you time and money when it comes to acquiring new customers.

When it comes to taking time to brand yourself and your business don’t take it for granted. Building your brand and credibility is not an option if you truly want to succeed in increasing sales.

Essentials Of Good Corporate Branding.

Corporate branding does not just involve a company name. It also includes the corporate logo design and the overall company image. A brand conveys your corporate identity. When you think of computers, Microsoft comes to mind. Toothpaste equals Colgate. Coming up with the perfect brand name that will stick in a consumer’s mind is as important as coming up with the finances to start a company – be it big or small.

Here are 5 Ingredients to consider when creating a great brand:

1. First Impressions Last

With all your public facing media, ensure you follow these guidelines:

  • Be original.
  • Be creative, but practical – for example your business card must be functional; a uniquely sized/shaped card might generate interest but it is very hard to be put into a business card rack.
  • From your design options, choose one that will appeal directly to your target market.

Assess all your ‘first contact’ media and ensure it is functional and projects your intended brand.  For example, if you use business cards, check what dominates the card. Is it the brand name and logo?  If not, amend it!

2. Consider Your Target Market

In today’s global marketplace, a brand is a valuable asset and a powerful marketing tool, it dictates the look and style of your marketing media as such you need to ensure it works for your target audience; for instance, if you plan to conquer a worldwide market, ensure you give careful consideration to different cultures.

When creating the company logo, while it is advised to be creative and distinctive, your logo must still appeal to your target audience. More conservative designs would apply to an older target market. If you apply conservative/traditional designs to a company whose customers are supposed to be young and hip your brand name and logo will not draw their attention and the impact from your marketing will be lost. With a younger clientele, it is best to be energetic and creative when thinking of corporate naming and branding.

3. Brand In Images

With the Internet being considered the most powerful marketing tool, it is very important that your customers remember something distinctive about your company. Give them a clear picture of the message you want to impart and the image that you want to project. This is where images with a strong graphic design come into play; they provide a great way to capture attention and leave a lasting impact they will associate with your company.

4. Be Consistent

Proper branding must include all aspects of your company that interacts with a customer; this includes things as your company name, your logo, all marketing material, your emails, your letter heads, your business cards, your customer service documents, your staff, your building location and website, even your maintenance staff and company vehicles.

If you brand these individual components consistently your company will become recognizable over time. If done correctly this will lead people to immediately associate your company logo/name with the service or product you provide. Make sure you stick to the corporate image that you want to project so that you can grow a recognizable brand.  Remember, achieving brand recognition takes time and is only achievable with consistency.

5. Create A Powerful, Branded Web Site

Marketing though the Internet is yet another aspect of corporate branding. You should develop a distinctive, informative and complete web site. This will give a your customers a clear understanding of your company profile and will help your customers associate your brand to the product/service you provide.

Go through all the points of contact with your customer and ensure each one is branded – at the very least with your logo.  Ensure you add an email signature with your Logo and company details.  Everywhere you have contact with individuals – and here I mean any individuals, not just customers – should be branded.  In order to build brand recognition, you need to get your brand in front of as many people as possible.  Use every opportunity you have available and watch your brand grow.

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