Common Small Business Branding Mistakes

We have come to the final post in the Small Business Branding Made Easy Series. I hope you have learned a lot about creating a solid brand for your business.  In this post we are going to touch on some of the more common small business branding mistakes so you can avoid making them.  We […]

Building a Brand Identity

This it the third post in the Small Business Branding Made Easy Series. Today’s post is all about building a brand identity. What is Brand Identity? Brand identity is the message the consumer receives from you, your business or merchandise.  Now that you have thought about and determined how you want your customers to perceive […]

What do your customers think of your business?

This is the second post in the Small Business Branding Made Easy Series. I hope you found the first one helpful and took some time to think about how you want customers to perceive your business. Your Ideal Customer As we discussed in the last post, branding is all about how customers perceive your business. […]

Increasing Your Brand Credibility

In this post we are going to discuss how increasing your brand credibility can increase sales. Brand Credibility Brand credibility is about how believable your business brand is to your audience. A brand is how your customers perceive your business as we discussed previously. Brand Credibility answers the question on if your customers believe you […]

Small Business Branding – A Definition

Welcome to the first post of the Small Business Branding Made Easy Series. By signing up for the series you will receive several emails that will help you discover how to successfully brand yourself and your small business for success. What is Small Business Branding and how can it help your business? An ad in […]

#1 Way To Increase Your Bottom Line

The Ingredients To Increasing Sales To increase your bottom line, you need three essential ingredients: Traffic; You must focus on getting more traffic from various different sources. This should be a constant priority and something you work on regularly. Track your growth for each traffic generation tactic to see what brings in the most traffic […]