90 Day Printable Business Goal Planner


The 90 day business goal setup works because it helps you to keep the end in sight and to stay motivated. 90 days gives you enough time to make real progress towards the goal; but it is also short enough that you won’t lose focus. With the 90-day approach, you have no time to procrastinate. You are on a short schedule and have to focus to get things done.


Goals are powerful. They are inspiring. They keep you focused and motivated. They allow you to reach greater heights in life.

Goals help you determine the exact steps you need to take in order to expand your business, reach more customers and sell more products. They help clarify areas of weakness so you can work towards improving them. They show you your business strengths so you can take full advantage of them.  They ensure you are working towards realistic desires instead of impossible dreams.

If you don’t set goals, you will never know how much you can achieve.

The 90-Day Approach

Although this planner works on a 90-day stretch, we encourage you to set long-term goals. Consider where you want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. Then break those big goals into realistic milestones. Then further into steps that can be accomplished within 90 days.

The reason we chose 90 days is because it helps you to keep the end in sight and to stay motivated. 90 days gives you enough time to make real progress towards the goal; but it is also short enough that you won’t lose focus. But even better, with the 90-day approach, you have no time to procrastinate. You are on a short schedule and have to focus to get things done.

You get two files for downloading:

  1. A4 Printable PDF;
  2. A4 printable double sided PDF to create an A5 booklet;
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