Business Goal Setting


Setting goals for your business is essential to success.  You might have created goals in the past and feel they don’t work… This is because not only do you have to create the right goals, you also need to follow a tried, tested and true formula for ensuring you reach your goals.  That is what we cover in these sessions.

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Are you struggling to achieve success in your business?

One of the main reasons you struggle is a lack of proper goal setting and focus.  Before you start thinking “tried this – it doesn’t work for me”, I want to let you know that goal setting is not just about writing down some lofty ideals.  We keep getting told to create and write our goals down…But is just setting goals enough?


Just throwing together some goals and writing them down will not equal success.  If you have tried this and failed to attain your goals – know that this is not your fault!  Failing to attain goals is due to a number of factors such as;

Setting the wrong goals;

  • Have ambiguous goals which are not specific;
  • Creating goals that are not actionable;
  • Making goals that have no way of determining that you actually reached them;

Examples of these types of goals are things like: I am going to make money, I am going to lose weight etc.

But having good, actionable goals is only the first step, keeping motivated, focused and on track to reaching them is a daily process.

With coaching we will ensure that not only do we create the right goals for you, but I will also take you through a process to help you remain self motivated and provide you with tools to help you keep on track.

Not sure where to start? Feeling Overwhelmed?  Don’t worry, with coaching we go through a simple, but powerful process that will help you gain clarity and will give us specific areas to focus on to get you almost instant results.

Book a session now, you will be grateful you did.

Physical coaching sessions are held not far from the Edenvale Hyperama, alternatively online(Skype type), phone and/or email sessions are available if need be.

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